Why Tech Billionaires are Talking About Mind Control

Make no mistake about it, behind closed doors, where no one can hear them, tech millionaires and billionaires are talking about how they can control the minds of those they depend upon for survival.

Did you know the hypnotic process known as “brainwashing” literally translates into the words for “brain” and “wash” in Mandarin Chinese? Brainwashing has typically been thought of as a negative process that is used in situations like cults and extremism. After the SHTF, however, you may see the benefit of using mind control and influence to create a cult of loyalty.

Your life will depend upon being surrounded by a team that is not able to be tricked, bribed, or otherwise persuaded into betraying you. This is especially true if you are a person of means, and others want what you have.

Despite the negative bias, the brainwashing process can also be used in a positive way. When we are born, our minds are clean slates. Parents, educators, and even television all brainwash us to a certain extent. What we grow up to believe and the things that are important to us are the result of ideas that are put into our heads. Cognitive therapies such as EMDR, which have a positive effect on those who are suffering from PTSD and other disorders, can also be viewed as a form of brainwashing.

We learn to control our own minds, or we risk having them controlled by others. Brainwashing can take those harmful messages that were programmed into you in the past and replace them with more positive, productive alternatives. In your bunker, you will have staff. You will have security team members. Using brainwashing techniques to ensure their loyalty is to you and to you only can keep you safe and allow you to retain ownership of what is yours.

How Brainwashing Works

There are three key steps involved in brainwashing an individual: repetition, criticism and self-criticism to instill doubt, and not allowing that person to have private time for reflection by keeping them involved in activities. These steps have been proven to have the ability to instill loyalty in a leader or cause.

By using the following techniques, you can take to induce a state of suggestibility:

  • Guided relaxation or meditation
  • Rejection of old values
  • Repetitive chanting
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Repetitive music
  • Condemning and praising similar behavior
  • Group pressure
  • Discouraging individualism
  • Inducing guilt
  • The donation of assets
  • Encouraging confessions
  • Creating a sense of righteousness for conformity
  • Controlled approval
  • Requiring dress codes
  • Extreme hot or cold temperatures
  • Extended light or darkness
  • Patterned, paced speech
  • Love bombing
  • Introducing subliminal messages
  • Encouraging the rejection of logic

Obviously brainwashing your staff is not something you’d do in our society is today. However, in a different reality, one in which loyalty can spell life or death, brainwashing is a possibility you can’t rule out.


Learn more about how brainwashing works.



Here are 10 ways you can use mind-control in everyday life.

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