6 Millionaire Traits That Anyone Can Adopt – Survivalist Edition
According to Investopedia, all success stories found their way to the top because of six essential traits or characteristics they share: independent thinking, vision, skills, passion, investment, and salesmanship. In addition, in today’s world, any success story with an eye toward the future includes a plan for success despite an apocalypse that would ruin their parade.
Today on Rob Raskins’ Millionaire Survivalist, we’ll consider how the traits for those who achieve monetary success translate to the steps to succeed in any circumstance, including the apocalypse, where perhaps money is not the measure of success.
What does money matter with TEOTWAWKI?
It has been said that success is a game, and money is the way to keep score. This applies to survival more than any other endeavor, as the penalty for failure is death, and possibly not just your own. Imagine struggling to succeed financially only to have everything and everyone you love ripped away from you. What would be the point?
So whether it’s rags to riches, millions to billions, or the desire for an heir apparent to prove one’s own worth to the patriarch in power, we’re talking about guts, character, and the internal drive to succeed often not found on those who passively accept what life hands them, money or not.
Now that we’ve established the rat in the maze and the penalty for not getting the cheese, let’s focus on the game of success.
Game Theory
As any complex situation can be reduced to a game, the object is to win, so does the victor employ strategy. The first strategy often is to pretend that nothing has happened or is known. For example, suppose the world would end, and the news headlines broadcasted pandemonium. In that case, the first order of business for a success-minded individual is to waste no time on actions that don’t advance more success.
By remaining cool and calm, the next logical consideration is “How close am I to the danger?” Then, “What are my options?” and finally, “What’s the most strategically advantageous choice I can make?” Chances are, the millionaire is saying, “Time to enact operation SHTF.”
By moving calmly to a predetermined location as part of a successful survival scenario, such as a place of refuge, a hideout, a bomb shelter, a car to drive away, or an elevator to the roof where a helicopter is waiting, we see our hero not acting like the masses of frightened citizens.
Collectively, this demonstrates characteristic # 1: independent thinking
Success requires expert knowledge of how a situation works and can be won or lost. This informs the other characteristics, including abiding by a clear vision of success based on strategically avoiding what equals failure. Add to this any skill needed at this moment. By skill, this means any helpful ability that can be learned, practiced, improved, and perfected, including an escape plan for the EOTW scenario.
The next characteristic in the list is passion, which you might think is easy in this case since we’re all passionate about survival or simply not dying. But to a success-minded individual, the passion for maintaining the sense of self, the presence of mind, and of carrying out an expert plan that allows the organism to stay entirely in control of itself without missing a beat is what’s at stake. The winner will always be faithful to the plan they so carefully calculated as a matter of honor.
Beyond this, investment into the means necessary to have a plan in place is worth more than money in the bank or a win on wall street. Still, according to game theory, you can expect the possessor of one to possess them all. This is the very definition of hedging one’s bets.
Finally, salesmanship. Only when a messenger who understands what’s at stake can understand what’s needed and why can they have a shot at convincing others. Of what you might ask? If things are worse than our hero might have predicted, they would never advise those dependent on their judgment or care to worry or get excited. Instead, they would remind everyone to remain calm and take a breath.
Descending into chaos is never the solution, which is why good leadership requires rehearsing the act of staying calm and maintaining a clear presence of mind in any perceivable crisis situation. This spells success on any battlefield, provided the strategy and execution can be carried out with expert timing.
Click here to read the original article: https://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0609/millionaire-traits.aspx