Zombie Apocalypse Insurance?

Zombie Apocalypse Insurance?

P.T. Barnum used to say, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” He was one of the first millionaires in America. Like most successful people of the old world, he didn’t get where he was without common sense in the face of chaos and opposition. If he were alive today, he’d never fall for something as silly as zombie apocalypse insurance. However, he might consider selling it.

Today on Rob Raskins’ Millionaire Survivalist, we’ll review the potential merits, or at least the theoretical premise of zombie apocalypse insurance, and the consideration of how it would payout. Also, the inevitable question of whether the money would have value with zombies running around.

Brains… We need… Brains

The first rule of zombie insurance is we don’t talk about having zombie insurance. After all, we don’t want people to think we’re the zombies. Right? Well, one company out there offers tips and tricks to help everyone make good financial decisions about everything from Alien abduction Insurance to Zombie Apocalypse Insurance.


After further inspection, the term insurance seems to mean any form of preparation associated with problem-solving, as opposed to the products offered by an insurance provider. However, while demonstrating the preparations needed for such an event, they all require a supply of money to purchase the needed tools, weapons, offsite housing, and so forth, which inadvertently teaches the importance of saving for a specific goal.

As a means of teaching financial literacy to school kids, this could be a useful tool, but when it comes to insurance, I’d avoid paying into a policy that requires proving a supernatural disaster in order to get a payout. Moreover, what’s the point in having an insurance payout when the money has no value? Finally, when not referring to financial insurance, we English speakers typically prefer terms like “assurance” or the “ensuring” of a specified result.


With the possibility of purchasing Zombie Apocalypse insurance comes the potential to create legal evidence of a lack of sound mind and body that could undermine any attempt to gain further financial and legal protection. To the contrary, this could be grounds for contesting legal competency.

As for the mastermind who came up with this as a marketing ploy for Google, kudos! However, if there’s an evil genius actually selling insurance policies based on the supernatural, they should be shut down, fined, and investigated for fraud. Then, the money should be returned to the insured, and a psych eval required. In my world, these people are the real zombies.

When the SHTF, these people are going to be the first to resort to irrational means of survival at the expense of everyone around them.

Caveat Emptor!

Click here to read the article: https://livingconfidently.com/blog/from-alien-abduction-to-zombie-apocalypse-the-a-to-z-of-insurance/

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